Η Apple ενημερώνει τους Podcasters για την αναβάθμιση στα "Podcasts"
Η Apple σήμερα το πρωί επικοινώνησε με τους Podcasters (όπως εμάς) λέγοντας πως πρέπει να αναβαθμιστόυν η εικόνα "Cover Art" και κάποιες ρυθμίσεις στους server των Podcasts. Επίσης, αναφέρθηκε πως 155 χώρες και πάνω απο 100 γλώσσες υποστηρίζονται από τα iTunes Podcasts.
Το Mail που λάβαμε, διαθέσιμο παρακάτω:
Dear Podcast Provider,
New Cover Art Requirement
iTunes has been completely redesigned and there are new requirements for podcast cover art. To be eligible for featuring on iTunes Store, a podcast must have 1400 x 1400 pixel cover art in JPG or PNG format using RGB color space. The image URL must end in ".jpg", ".jpeg" or ".png" and the server hosting the image must allow HTTP HEAD requests. See our technical spec for details.
Server Configuration Requirement
Podcast streaming playback on iTunes requires all hosting servers to enable Byte Range Requests. Please confirm your hosting servers have this functionality enabled. If you work with a third-party hosting service, please contact them to confirm this functionality is enabled on their servers.
155 Countries & More Than 100 Languages
iTunes Podcasts has launched in additional countries around the world. Note that reviews and ratings are unique to each country. Podcasts are published in more than 100 languages.
The iTunes Podcast Team